San Diego Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Protecting the Rights of Injured Bikers and Their Families

Motorcyclists can take every precaution to remain safe, like wearing a helmet and ensuring their headlamps are properly working. However, they can still be put at risk by the negligent actions of other motorists. Distracted drivers or drivers who ignore traffic laws may cause collisions with motorcycles, the consequences of which can be devastating. Injured parties may have recourse to seek compensation from the at-fault party. Still, due to the complexity of these cases, it is often beneficial for victims to consult an experienced personal injury attorney for assistance in navigating the processes of pursuing financial recovery.

At Lowe Lazar Law, our San Diego motorcycle accident attorneys have the experience and diligence to handle even the most complex cases effectively. Taking on a limited caseload helps us maintain focus on each matter while providing the personalized attention and care our clients truly deserve. To ensure every client receives optimal legal representation, we go the extra mile to get to know their situation fully and craft robust legal strategies tailored to each individual's needs. Our award-winning attorneys' unparalleled courtroom skills have helped past clients receive millions in verdicts and settlements. However, prior outcomes cannot guarantee future success in any case.

Discuss your San Diego motorcycle accident case with us by calling (619) 815-8156 or submitting an online contact form. We serve clients throughout California.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists face a significant risk every time they take to the roads. Not all motorists are careful when driving around bikers, and crashes can happen because of many factors. Motorcycle riders can be involved in several types of accidents, including left-turn accidents, failure-to-yield accidents, head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, and side-impact collisions.

These accidents can occur for several reasons, such as the other driver was:

  • Speeding
  • Making an unsafe lane change
  • Driving distracted

When motorists engage in behaviors like the ones above, they are acting below the accepted standards when on the road. Therefore, they could be considered negligent and held financially responsible for the damages they caused. 

At Lowe Lazar Law, our motorcycle accident lawyers in San Diego work hard to hold wrongdoers accountable for their negligence or recklessness.

Lowe Lazar Law, LLP
This is a duo that truly cares about the client and fights for justice.

Possible Injuries Suffered by Motorcyclists

Motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences. Due to a lack of protection, motorcycle riders are more likely to suffer catastrophic or fatal injuries than occupants of regular passenger vehicles when an accident occurs.

Common injuries bikers sustain include the following:

Medical care for these injuries can be extensive and expensive. Some motorcyclists require ongoing treatments for years or even for the rest of their lives. Motorcycle accidents can sometimes be fatal, and surviving family members suffer loss.

Recovering compensation after a motorcycle accident requires a careful review of the case. Our team at Lowe Lazar Law takes each case seriously. We work diligently to conduct a full investigation, locate witnesses, and even call experts when necessary to determine fault and decide where to file claims. We strive to seek just financial recovery. Should negotiations fail, we are not deterred and stand ready to bring cases before the court.

Consult a Member of Our Team

We pride ourselves on delivering excellent legal representation. At our firm, we value professionalism and respect and take great leaps to ensure an exceptional experience for our clients. We are primarily a word-of-mouth firm, and it is an honor to have cases referred to us by other attorneys in the community. That speaks volumes about our well-respected reputation.

Schedule a consultation with one of our San Diego motorcycle attorneys by contacting us at (619) 815-8156 today.

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