San Diego Birth Injury Attorneys

The birth of a child is an incredibly joyous time for parents and families. Yet it can be tainted when medical negligence leads to catastrophic birth injuries. These medical errors pose significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens that can last a lifetime. When confronted with such devastation, it can be difficult to know where to start. Seeking help from a personal injury attorney is often the most effective way to hold the responsible party accountable and pursue much-needed compensation for damages. While money cannot make up for the family's suffering, it can provide some solace and help offset the costs of medical treatment.

At Lowe Lazar Law, our San Diego lawyers represent clients in birth injury cases across California. We are committed to providing each of our clients with comprehensive and top-tier legal representation. By keeping caseloads at a smaller size, we can dedicate our full attention to understanding the details of our clients' cases and creating legal strategies tailored to their needs. Our attorneys are exemplary negotiators and practiced litigators who have successfully tried cases in court. We are determined to assist families affected by birth injuries and help them seek just outcomes.

Ready to Discuss Your Case? Contact Our Trusted San Diego Attorneys Today at (619) 815-8156 today.

What Is a Birth Injury?

Birth injuries are physical traumas that can occur during childbirth. Both the mother and the infant can be harmed. 

These forms of trauma can be severe and can include the following:

  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Forceps contusions
  • Bone fractures
  • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
  • Wrongful death

Birth injuries can cause long-term effects on a child and their family. In many cases, these injuries could have been avoided with attentive and consistent care. 

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I recommend Jeremiah for any wrongful death suits.

Common causes of birth injuries include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Improper monitoring of vitals
  • Inadequate or untimely treatments
  • Mishandling of tools, such as vacuum extractors or forceps
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Failure to timely recognize symptoms that may signal problems in delivery

When the cause of the injury results from a medical practitioner's negligence, the family may have the right to file a claim against the responsible party or their employer. Taking action allows the family to seek financial recovery for economic and non-economic damages. Because these matters can be extremely complex, reaching out to a San Diego birth injury lawyer can help ensure that the case is appropriately handled.

Building a Case Against Responsible Parties

Pursuing a birth injury case is an important but complicated endeavor. Developing a legal strategy requires accessing and analyzing complex medical documents and other evidence to determine the liable party. 

A thorough assessment of the case is needed to determine whether a medical practitioner's actions or inactions departed from those of a similarly trained and experienced professional. If a doctor, nurse, or other practitioner acted below acceptable standards in the field, they could be considered negligent and held accountable. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, a hospital or corporation may also be liable for damages. 

At Lowe Lazar Law, we have the knowledge and resources to craft compelling legal strategies for our clients. We investigate, call on experts, and research relevant laws to ensure that we pursue every avenue.

Turn to a Firm with a Proven Track Record

Our commitment to making our clients our number one priority has earned us a solid reputation. Many of our cases come from other attorneys' referrals, and we have paid millions of dollars in referral fees after winning these matters. Although our past successes do not guarantee future outcomes, we proudly offer superior legal representation to birth injury victims and pursue justice on their behalf.

We are here to learn about your case. Call us at (619) 815-8156 or contact us online today.

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